Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 5 - Zhanjiang

Instead of a normal Thanksgiving of turkey and football, we spent the day at Brighton's orphanage. It turned out to be one of the best Thanksgivings ever!!! They had a big welcome for us and a ceremony with speeches and performances.

The orphanage kids performed several dance routines for us.

All the adopted kids where given gifts again. They received a pearl bracelet and necklace. Zhanjiang is known for it's pearls and has a pearl factory. Our group also gave many gifts to the orphanage such as school supplies, fleece blankets and a donation of 18,000 Yuen.

Brighton had a poster that we made of her and her nanny recognized her baby picture and name. So Brighton got to meet her nanny who took care of her before we adopted her.

Here is a picture of a few of the orphanage kids.

Brighton with the orphanage directors. She was also interviewd by a local newspaper.

And of course Jeanna got to hold babies. We got to see several babies including some new borns. Someone said that they have around 80 babies at that orphanage.

This was our Thanksgiving lunch.

After lunch the kids along with the older orphanage kids played games. They did jump rope, basketball, badminton, tug of war, 3 legged race, and a game called dragon and chicken. It was amazing seeing all the kids running around and playing with each other. Language did not seem to be a barrier.